Wiki » History » Version 7

Version 6 (Marcin Poplawski, 07/13/2018 04:38 PM) → Version 7/15 (Marcin Poplawski, 07/25/2018 03:31 PM)

h1. vDC Wiki

h2. Definition of Done - vDC

h3. Feature and task

# MR added to comment
# No new defects in cppcheck and Coverity
# No new defects in Unit tests
# Unit test added (if possible)
# Developer test done (dev feed) - by other engineer that was implementing
# Spent hours are filled in

h3. Defect

# MR added to comment
# Comment added - cause and solution
# No new defects in Cppcheck and Coverity
# No new defects in Unit tests
# Unit test added (if possible)
# Developer test done (dev feed, different browsers) - by other engineer that was implementing
# Spent hours are filled in

h2. Definition of Done - vDC UI

h3. Feature and task

# MR added to comment
# No new defects in Linting
# No new defects in Unit tests
# Unit test added (if reasonable)
# Developer test done (dev feed) - by other engineer that was implementing
# Spent hours are filled in

h3. Defect

# MR added to comment
# Comment added - cause and solution
# No new defects in Linting
# No new defects in Unit tests
# Unit test added (if reasonable)
# Developer test done (dev feed, different browsers) - by other engineer that was implementing
# Spent hours are filled in

h2. Code review checklist

wszystko w definicji kalsy, chyba ze jest zalezne od kontruktora

if () ; // w jednej linii, jak sie nie misci to {} (tylko bez else)

if ((wa1) && (wa2)) {

} else if () {


for (i; i < 0; ++i) { // inne to samo


switch () {
case 1: //{} if needed, jedna linia jest ok
case 2:
default: // powinien byc, co w default w zaleznosci od kontekstu

enum class A_Staus;

class A // struktura


konstruktor // definicja krotkicj jest dopuszczalna
destruktor // definicja krotkicj jest dopuszczalna, zawsze virtual
enum class EE; // deklaracja, definicja poza ciałem
metody // definicja krotkicj jest dopuszczalna



static const
class members

static const
class members


enum class A::EE
A, // camel case

static const AAA; // all caps

(staitc) constexpr over static const

void func(aParam1, apAram2, auto... aParams)

nazwy klas:
start z wielkeiej, Camel case

start malej, Camel case

nazwy parametrow:
Camel case, pierwsza a np 'aParam'

std over boost
unique over shared

header : nie uzywamy using namespace, mozemy uzyc w cpp

odstepy miedzy funkcjami : dwie spacje

oddzielanie klas:

* ==========================================================================
* nazwa klasy - przed, wszedzie
* ==========================================================================

namespace - bez wciecia
ifdef bez wciecia, na maksa do lewej

#pragma once over ifdef

przy koncu namespace, ifdef komentarz z nazwa

reference over pointers

raw string over special signs

static constexpr auto STALY_STRING = "aaa"; // sprawdzic z raw stringiem

streams over formated string

komentarzw: jak wiecej niz jedna linia to wielolinijkowe