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Marcin Poplawski, 07/25/2018 03:31 PM

vDC Wiki

Definition of Done - vDC

Feature and task

  1. MR added to comment
  2. No new defects in cppcheck and Coverity
  3. No new defects in Unit tests
  4. Unit test added (if possible)
  5. Developer test done (dev feed) - by other engineer that was implementing
  6. Spent hours are filled in


  1. MR added to comment
  2. Comment added - cause and solution
  3. No new defects in Cppcheck and Coverity
  4. No new defects in Unit tests
  5. Unit test added (if possible)
  6. Developer test done (dev feed, different browsers) - by other engineer that was implementing
  7. Spent hours are filled in

Definition of Done - vDC UI

Feature and task

  1. MR added to comment
  2. No new defects in Linting
  3. No new defects in Unit tests
  4. Unit test added (if reasonable)
  5. Developer test done (dev feed) - by other engineer that was implementing
  6. Spent hours are filled in


  1. MR added to comment
  2. Comment added - cause and solution
  3. No new defects in Linting
  4. No new defects in Unit tests
  5. Unit test added (if reasonable)
  6. Developer test done (dev feed, different browsers) - by other engineer that was implementing
  7. Spent hours are filled in

Code review checklist

wszystko w definicji kalsy, chyba ze jest zalezne od kontruktora

if () ; // w jednej linii, jak sie nie misci to {} (tylko bez else)

if ((wa1) && (wa2)) {

} else if () {


for (i; i < 0; ++i) { // inne to samo


switch () {
case 1: //{} if needed, jedna linia jest ok
case 2:
default: // powinien byc, co w default w zaleznosci od kontekstu

enum class A_Staus;

class A // struktura {


konstruktor // definicja krotkicj jest dopuszczalna
destruktor // definicja krotkicj jest dopuszczalna, zawsze virtual
enum class EE; // deklaracja, definicja poza ciałem
metody // definicja krotkicj jest dopuszczalna



static const
class members

static const
class members


enum class A::EE {
A, // camel case

static const AAA; // all caps

(staitc) constexpr over static const

void func(aParam1, apAram2, auto... aParams) {

nazwy klas:
start z wielkeiej, Camel case

start malej, Camel case

nazwy parametrow:
Camel case, pierwsza a np 'aParam'

std over boost
unique over shared

header : nie uzywamy using namespace, mozemy uzyc w cpp

odstepy miedzy funkcjami : dwie spacje

oddzielanie klas:

/* * ==========================================================================
  • nazwa klasy - przed, wszedzie
  • ==========================================================================
namespace - bez wciecia
ifdef bez wciecia, na maksa do lewej
#pragma once over ifdef
przy koncu namespace, ifdef komentarz z nazwa
reference over pointers
raw string over special signs

static constexpr auto STALY_STRING = "aaa"; // sprawdzic z raw stringiem

streams over formated string

komentarzw: jak wiecej niz jedna linia to wielolinijkowe